Author: Dagmar Moseley

Annual Membership Meeting and Board Election 2023

Arena Theater Association
Annual Membership Meeting and Board Election
Wednesday, April 26, 6pm via Zoom

There are 3 Director Seats up for election.
Please vote for no more than 3 candidates.
The 3 candidates who receive the most votes will become Directors.

The 2023 annual meeting will be conducted via Zoom on April 26, 2023. All participating members appearing remotely are considered to be present, in person, at this remotely-held meeting and shall count toward a quorum of 30 members. The Zoom meeting will begin at 6 p.m., and votes will be accepted, via the online form on the theater website, until 7:30 p.m.

In the event a member is unable to attend the annual meeting via Zoom, he or she may vote absentee, either by voting via the online ballot form or by mailing in a printed ballot. Each member submitting an absentee ballot shall also be deemed to be present, in person, at this remotely-held meeting and shall count toward a quorum.


  • Mark your choices on the ballot.
  • Fold the ballot and place in an envelope.
  • Put your name on the outside of the envelope so we can verify your current membership.
  • Mail the envelope to the address below
  • Absentee ballots must be received no later than April 25, 2023 to be counted.

Arena Theater Association
PO Box 611
Point Arena, CA 95468

Office telephone: 882-3272

 Arena Theater Board of Directors
Candidate Statements

Kat Gleason
Greetings. My name is Kat Gleason, and I would like the opportunity for a seat on the board to participate more fully in what I consider to be the heart and soul of our community, The Arena Theater. I have lived in this area since 1991 and have been involved in various capacities of Arena Theater Productions for nearly the same amount of time. My main area of interest and expertise is in live productions. I am on the Programming Committee, have been for several years now, and have produced a multitude of live music shows at Arena Theater. I am very much interested in expanding our theater’s accessibility and importance to our entire community by offering up programs and shows that appeal to all of the facets of our multi-aged, multi-cultural, varied socioeconomic-abled community.
Thank you for your consideration.

Tim McMurtry
I am Tim McMurtry, I’ve been facilities director for six years and am looking for one more stint to complete a few projects. I have completed or assisted in many valuable tasks, and there are many yet to do.

Blake More
I first served as an Arena Theater Board member from 2010 to 2016, and after a bit of a break returned three years ago. I would love to continue my service on current Arena Theater Board of Directors. Currently I am active on the programming and marketing committees, as well as assisting with fundraisers and other needs of the board and staff. I moved to this community in 1997, and my very first event in Point Arena was the theater reopening ceremony. I didn’t know any of those being lauded for their amazing restoration efforts, yet I—like most of the people in the audience—had tears in my eyes throughout the entire ceremony. Never had I seen such love and dedication for a community resource. Immediately I got involved, and that volunteering has never stopped.  Today, I continue to produce live music shows, design posters for the staff, and assist with talent shows, fundraisers and other community theater events. As Dorothy said, there is no place like home, and to me this theater is what makes my coastal home so special. I am honored to put on my glittering dance shoes and contribute to the continued success of our beloved Arena Theater.

Johnny Moore
Since 1975 the Arena Theater has been part of my life. First, as a bouncer and projector operator for Sue and Pete Giannini. I have been a regular volunteer for a decade, and I currently serve as stage manager for musical and performance events. I have managed and been involved professionally in every facet of the entertainment business, including significant events as a producer for ESPN, NBC, and Redbull. I have also been on and around the stage as a musician and performer since the age of two. I look forward to many more years working with the association, staff, volunteers, and the public to make the city’s historical Arena Theater thrive and prosper.

Jess Raphael
Attorney at Law 33 years
Board of Directors -Dreamweavers Theater 1999-2001
Live music, cinema and theater aficionado. Directed, produced, assistant directed, and starred in community a dozen or more theater productions in Napa and Davis. My principal passions are live music and the Mendocino Coast. I am developing my new community in Irish Beach/ Point Arena, and I want to be actively involved in its cultural activities.

Mark Vanderwoude
My name is Mark Vanderwoude, my wife, and I are year-round Anchor Bay residents. I am a retired Corporate President & CEO that has served on two Corporate Boards during my working career. I also served as President of the Rio del Mar Improvement Association in Aptos, CA (unincorporated Santa Cruz County) for 10 years. We are and have been Arena Theater members for 3 years. I am a patron of the Arts, Music, and Film. I feel my life and work experience would be a benefit to the Theater’s working Board. I openly solicit your support and vote to become an Arena Theater Board member.

Arena Theater Underwriting Agreement


Underwriting and Sponsorship: An opportunity to financially support an event or series. Please check which of the following ways you would like to support.

Underwriter: pledge money to support Arena Theater by covering a portion or all of any loss the theater might incur on a specific event or series.  There may be one or more underwriters per event. At the conclusion of the event all underwriters will share in making up any shortfall attributed to that event, up to the limit of their pledged amount.

 Sponsor: donate up front to support a program.

NAME (of event or series):    ________________________________________

(For underwriters) I understand that when the final accounting for the event is concluded I may be billed for my share of any loss up to the amount of my pledge.  If the event makes a profit or breaks even I will not be billed and my obligation is ended.
Signed: _______________________________________________          Date: ____________________

Name(s): _________________________________________

Mailing Address: ____________________________________

City, St. ZIP: __________________________________________

Phone: _________________________________

Email: __________________________________

May we publicly thank you:

☐In print?

☐On our screen?


Annual Membership Meeting and Board Election 2022

Arena Theater Association
Annual Membership Meeting and Election
Monday, April 25, 2022 via Zoom

There are 3 Director Seats up for election.
Please vote for no more than 3 candidates.
The 3 candidates who receive the most votes will become Directors.

The 2022 annual meeting will be conducted via Zoom on April 25, 2022. All participating members appearing remotely are considered to be present, in person, at this remotely-held meeting and shall count toward a quorum of 30 members. The Zoom meeting will begin at 6 p.m., and votes will be accepted, via the online form on the theater website, until 7:30 p.m.
In the event a member is unable to attend the annual meeting via Zoom, he or she may vote absentee, either by voting via the online ballot form or by mailing in a printed ballot. Each member submitting an absentee ballot shall also be deemed to be present, in person, at this remotely-held meeting and shall count toward a quorum.


  • Mark your choices on the ballot.
  • Fold the ballot and place in an envelope.
  • Put your name on the outside of the envelope so we can verify your current membership.
  • Mail the envelope to the address below
  • Absentee ballots must be received no later than April 25, 2022 to be counted.

Arena Theater Association
PO Box 611
Point Arena, CA 95468
Office telephone: 707 882-3272

Arena Theater Board of Directors
Candidate Statements

Paul Andersen

 It has been an honor to serve on the Arena Theater Board during these challenging times. As a Board, in addition to securing the safety of our patrons, we faced severe financial challenges but were kept afloat by increased donations from members and significant federal investment through the Shuttered Venue Operators grant. The Finance Committee has begun meeting regularly as we chart a course out of the pandemic. As Treasurer, I feel confident for the future of the Theater, which is such a vital part of the community. I’m proud of the way the community has continued to support the Theater even while closed. I look forward to continuing my service on the Theater Board if selected to do so.

 Michael Beattie

 It has been an honor to have served as an Arena Theater board member for the last nine years. I would like nothing more than to be able to continue to serve our theater and our community for another term. During this time I have served as facilities director and over the last two years as president, two years prior as vice president and member of the facilities committee. I also am active with the theater serving as the bartender during live events. It would be a pleasure to continue to serve as a board member of the Arena Theater.

 Rodrigo Curbelo

I am interested in becoming a member of the board. I have lived in this community since 2018 and have enjoyed the theater as a patron and as an occasional performer.   Prior to moving here I was a Public Defender in San Bernardino for 20 years.
I love music and what the theater brings to the community. I am most interested in the live music committee but willing to work on any committee where my services are needed.




Arena Theater seeks board candidates

Call for Arena Theater Board Member Candidates 2021
Dear members and all of you who are thinking about becoming members, here’s a great opportunity to get involved with your favorite community theater!
Please read the information below and submit your letter of interest soon! Read more

Arena Theater Association Board of Directors is Seeking Candidates

  • Three seats on the board are up for election this April. Each seat is a three-year term obligation
  • Candidates must be current members in good standing; non-members may join now!
  • Each candidate must provide a letter of interest stating interest and motivation. Statements will be printed on the ballot, brevity is encouraged (50-100 words)
Deadline for candidate statements: Wednesday, March 17, 2021

How to submit your statement:

For more information, please contact the office at 882-3272 or email

Save the Date!
Annual Membership Meeting and Board Elections (Zoom Meeting)
Monday, April 19, 2021, 6 pm at Arena Theater.



Call for ATA Board Member Candidates 2022

Dear members and all of you who are thinking about becoming members, here’s a great opportunity to get involved with your favorite community theater!
Please read the information below and submit your letter of interest soon!

The Arena Theater Association is seeking candidates for three seats on the board that are up for election in April. Each seat is a three-year term obligation, and the deadline to submit a letter of interest is
Thursday, March 24.

Anyone interested in becoming a board member for Arena Theater is encouraged to briefly describe their background, state an area of interest (e.g., live shows, cinema, and fundraising) or express interest in committee work. To find out more about the current theater board and committees, visit and select board & staff.

Candidates must be members in good standing; non-members may join prior to the March 24 submission deadline. Candidate statements will appear on the ballot, brevity is encouraged at 50-100 words. Statements can be submitted by email to or by mail to Arena Theater, PO Box 611, Point Arena, CA 95468.

Since the lock down in March of 2020, all board and committee meetings have been conducted via Zoom, and interested people are invited to attend by calling the theater office at 707 882-3272 for a Zoom link.

A virtual Annual Membership Meeting and Board Election will be held on Monday, April 25, at 6 p.m.

We will set up online voting options and more details about the voting process will be announced soon.
For more information, you can contact the Arena Theater office at (707) 882-3272.